Location: Before you get to the theater, some of your allies will break through a door to your right. Location: The card is in the closed-off subway entrance across the street from the start of the mission. Mission: Heart of the Reich (Six of Clubs) : Location: Clear all four mortar pits, then go to the small shack in the south of this area. Mission: Breaking Point (Three of Diamonds) : A Japanese soldier hanging upside down is near the card. Location: Go to the left as you move toward the second bunker. Mission: Blowtorch & Corkscrew (Ten of Clubs) : Location: During the first half of the mission, just after the kitchen area, you will eventually see a room to your right that has a large hole in it.

The card is in the far bottom left corner. Location: Enter the asylum, the immediately go to the left. Mission: Ring of Steel (Jack of Spades) : Location: At the end of the mission, take either the left or right path. Location: Just before the second mortar position is a bunker to the left. Mission: Burn 'em Out (Queen of Hearts) : Search the stalls to your right to find the card. Location: Destroy the tanks, and go through the barn. Mission: Their Land, Their Blood (Joker) : Follow the bar around to the end to find the card. Location: After the sniper section at the first part of the mission, Reznov will lead you through a building. The card is to the right when you go into the room with the stairs.

Enter the building, and go into the lower level. Location: About halfway through the mission you will see a big building with a mini-trench outside. Location: At the end of the mission before going into the last building, look to the right. Mission: Little Resistance (Four of Clubs) : Location: At the very beginning after leaving the shack, you will see another shack to the right.