Program Echo speaks window titles, menus, dialogs, list views, and all other program controls as you navigate and use your applications. Mouse echo is great for exploring the layout of your desktop and applications, or for spot reading in documents, web pages and email. As you move the pointer across the screen, single words or complete lines of text are echoed. Mouse Echo Mouse Echo automatically reads text beneath the mouse pointer. Whatever your choice, you’ll be able to type with greater speed and accuracy. You can choose to have individual keys, words, or both spoken. Typing Echo Typing Echo allows you to hear the keys and words that you type.

By adjusting ZoomText’s echo settings, ZoomText can speak as little or as much as you want. As you type text, use the mouse and navigate through your applications, ZoomText narrates and confirms each of your actions.

ZoomText’s powerful screen reading options let you hear what you are doing. Three verbosity levels give you complete control over the amount of information spoken. Complete Screen Reading Complete Screen ReadingĪutomatically speaks all program controls, including menus, dialogs, list views and messages.